Membership of Our Club
We like to think of ourselves as a very welcoming club, so please get in touch via our Contact Page if you would like to come along and join one of our club rides.
All we ask is that you commit to joining the club after attending 3 club rides.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the cost of becoming a member?
A: The annual fee is currently £15.
Q: Why is there a membership fee?
A: Primarily for club liability, providing club insurance should there be an accident involving a member of the public. The fee also helps cover the annual club affiliation and annual website costs.
Q: Does membership cover me for individual accidents / bike breakages / thefts etc?
A: Membership does not include personal accident/ theft insurance, members are required to ensure they are covered by appropriate individual insurance.
Q: What does club membership get me?
A: Our club offers a number of organised outings each week, either on the road or on the trails, open to all levels of bike experience and fitness, with a view to improving confidence and enjoying the social aspect of group cycling. Social events and trips away are also organised throughout the year, and getting out with the club is a great way to meet others with a similar biking interest, making new friends within our local community.
Q: Is there a minimum age to become a member?
A: Yes – 14 to 16 years old and must be accompanied by a legal guardian on all outings up to the age of 16. Under 16s are strictly not allowed out on Mountain Bike runs
Q: How do I become a club member?
A: You can join by completing your details on our Membership Form page and paying your annual fee to the Club Secretary.